We've been working on something a little different...
- Date Published
- 8 June 2023

A fresh new store is opening with a new look and fresh offer.
FreshChoice brings new offers to Cambridge shoppers with the reopening of a new supermarket. The current SuperValue Cambridge store is being refreshed with a brand-new look and name which we were excited to share with the local communities on Tuesday 27th of June.
Owners Kuldeep and Ranjit Mander of SuperValue Cambridge look forward to continuing to welcoming their customers in store for a great new shopping experience.
"We have proudly operated in Cambridge for more than a year now and are very thankful to this lovely community for supporting us. We can't wait to welcome them again into our new look store" say Kuldeep and Ranjit Mander of Cambridge.
SuperValue Cambridge is located at 97 Swayne Road, Cambridge 3493 and is open 7am – 9pm every day.