Egg Decorating
For a fun at home Easter activity with the kids try decorating some eggs with our easy ideas using everyday items! Follow the instructions to blow out the egg and then decorate with one of our favourite techniques.
Egg Blowing
This is the process in which you make a hole in the top and bottom of the egg shell and blow the contents out. You will need to wash and dry the eggs before beginning this. Use a large needle to make a hole in each end of the shell, making sure you pierce the yolk. At one end wiggle the needle around to make the hole slightly bigger. Hold the egg over a bowl and blow into the smaller hole forcing the egg white and yolk out the bottom. Once empty gently rinse off the shell and allow to dry before decorating.
Decorating the egg
Shaving Cream Method
You will need: shaving cream, tray lined with foil, food colouring and a fork.
Fill the tray with the shaving cream and smooth down with a spoon. Pour in the food colouring and use the fork to make some swirls with the colouring. Take an egg and roll in the shaving cream mixture, leave submerged for 10 minutes then remove and wipe clean with a paper towel.
Food Colouring & Water Method
Mix 1 teaspoon vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of food colouring and pour into ¾ cup of water. Use a different cup for each colour you want to use.
Place the egg in the cup of food colouring and leave for 5 minutes. If you only want to dye half the egg reduce the amount of liquid in the cup.
If you would like to draw patterns on the egg you can use a white crayon – the crayon will prevent the dye from sticking leaving a pattern.
You can also use stickers or hair ties wrapped around the egg to create shapes and patterns.
Mixing a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the mixture will create a marbled effect on the egg.
Nail Polish Method
Fill an old bowl or bucket with cold water. Pour a few drops of each colour nail polish you want onto the water’s surface. You can experiment with this stage as the order you add the colours will change the marbled look on the eggs surface. Use a toothpick to swirl the nail polish and then fully submerge the egg into the water and quickly remove. Set aside to dry and remove the excess nail polish from the water. Repeat for each egg trying different colour combinations.