
887f7053 f9ce 438a ab49 66ba011fe52c


  • 1 apple, cored, quartered, sliced
  • 1 bunch mint
  • 1 orange, halved, sliced, cut into small wedges
  • 1/2 cup brandy
  • 1.5L Spanish red wine, chilled (2 bottles)
  • 1/4 cup caster sugar
  • 1L soda water
  • 3/4 cup orange juice
View Method Sangria


  1. Put apple, orange and sugar in a large bowl and mix, muddling lightly with a wooden spoon, for 1 minute.
  2. Add orange juice and brandy and stir, pressing on fruit, for another 30 seconds. Divide mixture between 2 large jugs. Pour a bottle of wine into each jug and stir to combine.
  3. Pour half the soda water into each jug. Serve over ice in tall glasses. Add mint leaves.
View Ingredients Sangria
View Method Sangria
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